Key Information
Within this section of the website you will find some of the more practical information about the SRA Sixth Form.
Sixth Form Curriculum Evenings
University Applications
The Sixth Form and Careers team work throughout the school to enable students to make the right career choices. We provide information and advice at key decision points and create events and experiences that allow students to explore a range of opportunities and possibilities that exist beyond their time at school. A one week Work Experience placement in Year 12 being one of these experiences.
The application
UCAS Apply is the electronic university application system and all students wishing to attend university must apply via UCAS. We encourage all students to register with UCAS, even those who think they do not want to apply to university - they often change their mind - and if we have all the information already saved we can support a late application. Find Apply 2025 on
The UCAS application has 5 main sections
- Personal details
- Educational qualifications
- GCSE results including exam boards
- A2 results
- Course/university choices - 5 choices
- Personal statement
- Reference - including A Level predicted grades
Please note: The majority of universities make offers purely on this information, some may ask for work to be sent, or invite students for interview.
Expectation of Students
Sixth Form students at Samuel Ryder Academy are expected to behave responsibly and act as a role model to all the students on the site. Student conduct in and around school should reflect a Sixth Formers age and position as a senior member of the school community. You are required to act as role models and uphold the Samuel Ryder ethos and excellent reputation.
As a member of Sixth Form in the Samuel Ryder Community, we expect you to show both enthusiasm and commitment for your chosen course of study, and to make an active contribution to the wider school community, as a role model and ambassador; participating in House activities and school events.
Success at A-Level is highly dependent upon regular attendance and you should be punctual, both to school and to all classes. You will be treated as young adults and we obviously expect you to act responsibly. If you are to enjoy the privileges of Sixth Form life to the full we do expect you to follow some important guidelines.
Please click here to see our Sixth Form Handbook.
Parents Guide to Higher Education
Please click here to see our parents guide to higher education.