Exam & Key Stage Results
Exam & Key Stage Results 2024
Percentage of pupils who achieved the expected standard or above in reading, writing and mathematics |
78% |
Percentage of pupils who achieved a greater depth level of attainment in reading, writing and mathematics |
8% |
Attainment for reading, writing and mathematics |
Reading: 88% Writing: 82% Mathematics: 85% |
Average 'scaled scores' in reading, mathematics and grammar, punctuation and spelling |
Reading: 104 Mathematics: 103 GPS: 105 |
Progress 8 |
0.35 |
Attainment 8 |
50.36 |
% of students achieving a standard pass in English |
85% |
% of students achieving a standard pass in mathematics |
77% |
% of students achieving at least 2 science GCSE standard passes |
73% |
% of students achieving a strong pass in English |
69% |
% of students achieving a strong pass in mathematics |
62% |
% students achieved a standard pass in English and mathematics |
73% |
% students achieved a strong pass in English and mathematics |
54% |
EBacc Average point score |
4.29 |
% of students entered for the EBacc |
27% |
% of students staying in education or employment after KS4 |
100% |
% of students staying on at sixth form after KS4 |
86/192 = 46% |
Average grade students achieve at KS5 (A level) |
C+ |
Average grade students achieve at KS5 (BTec) |
Dist+ |
Progress students have made in English and mathematics |
N/A |
Retention |
100% |
Percentage of students who continue to education, training or further education. |
100% |