Student Support
Samuel Ryder is committed to supporting all students to fulfil their behavioural and academic potential. The school ensures that appropriate support strategies are available, to meet the specific needs of our learners.
The support might include:
- parental contact
- mentoring
- counselling
- support programmes
- assessment of needs
- referral to outside agencies
Guidance is provided to staff on strategies they can employ to help them promote positive behaviour and attendance and respond to misbehaviour or absence, and we discuss any training or support needs, both on an ongoing basis and as part of our performance review process.
We recognise that parents’ responsibilities in ensuring the good behaviour and attendance of their children are significant, and strive to work closely and in partnership with them to achieve positive outcomes. We value their active support, and in return we try to make sure parents know about anything we are proud of, or concerned about. We invite parents when we celebrate achievement; and offer support and help when it is needed. We also offer regular workshops for parents on topics designed to improve student learning.