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In PSHE in Year 6 this week we have been paying each other compliments and spreading ‘joy’ 💛🤩 linking it to Children’s Mental Health Week


We are having a fantastic evening performing in the 🎶🎵


We are rehearsing the last song-Marley Magic 🇯🇲. Definitely one of our favourites


Miss Bunney is loving


Year 5 have arrived at the O2 ready for 🕺🎵🎶


Rehearsals getting underway for our year 5s at Young Voices


This week we have started the week looking at Children’s Mental Health Week and even had a little boogie in assembly to a song that makes us feel ‘joy’ 🕺🤩


Great morning with our Primary and Secondary Dance Teams! Looking strong ahead of our performance at The County Dance Festival in March💃🏽💙💛


A great afternoon yesterday as some of our took part in the penalty shootout tournament, on the pitch at Vicarage Road during half time! A fantastic experience for those involved!


Great performance by the SRA U11s netball team yet again! Winning 13-6 to Garden fields JMI school.


Another exceptional performance from our boys squad in this afternoons tournament. For the second time this week, we made it to the final, only to fall short again 2-1. The boys should be incredibly proud, having represented the school fantastically!


Red Class have loved their new role play area today- linking to their real life superhero learning 🦸‍♂️🚒


Year 3 had a brilliant visit to St.Luke’s Church exploring the importance of miracles in the Bible ⛪️


Year 4 have been learning about rivers, their features and the habitats in and around them this morning 🏞️🐟💦


Today a number of classes took part in an workshop focused on ‘Speak Out, Stay Safe’ 🗣️🟢 we have learnt lots about the importance of speaking up and completed some great activities.


Some great football was played from our boys squad today who reached the final of the EFL Utilita cup, a tournament of 20 teams hosted by at their training dome. The boys did fantastic to not concede a goal until the final, where they unfortunately lost 2-1!


We have had a great assembly this morning- NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe 🟢🗣️ We are looking forward to the workshops later on this week.


Another great performance from our squads, this afternoon saw our girls take on a spirited Oakwood side. Goals from Riana (2) and Emma saw us win 3-0, topping off a great week for primary extracurricular sport!


Reception have been looking at the composition of 5 in Maths today- they used counters and 5 frames to create equations🧮


Our U10 footballers showed fantastic character and determination this afternoon as they came back from 0-3 down to win 6-4 against an Aboyne Lodge side, a team who we lost to earlier in the year. PoTM was Jake with 4 goals on his debut representing the school!


Great result for our U11s again comfortably winning 4-0. Fantastic performances from Ruhi, Will, Teddy, and Freddy helped us to a clean sheet as well as some fantastic team goals.


Year 6 have had a brilliant day and have got loads of enthusiasm to bring back to their English lessons for this term🧙🏻🪄


Year 6 learning about colour symbolism in their workshop this morning. Exciting to see the costumes of Umbridge and Voldemort. Common misconception: Voldemort’s cloak is green not black.


Year 6 have arrived safely for an exciting day at Harry Potter World 🪄🧙🏻


Reception have loved going on the new Jungle Gym this morning 🛝


Behind the Scenes with our Drama Faculty

Posted on 20/11/2020

Autumn Term 2020

Year 7 have just just started working on 'Darkwood Manor' - which is a spooky Ghost Story, where the pupils will explore how to use their bodies in creating different objects and set (Total Body Theatre) whilst Storytelling. Students will eventually be in larger casts where they will create their own story but this time using lights, music and sound effects - to engage their audience further and draw them into a 'different world'.

Y7 3  Y7 2

Year 8 have just started working on how to create a believable 'character' on stage - through different actor based workshops. Within this scheme of work they must consider how to create a character profile based on a 'stereotype'. They will then start placing these characters within a dramatic situation and start exploring how to form 'on stage' relationships and how to stay 'in role' during a structured scene by effectively using their physicality, movement and voice. 

Year 9 and 10 this term have been exploring the practice and methodologies of the most famous and influential theatre practitioners such as Stanislavski, Boal, Brecht, Artaud, Berkoff and Frantic Assembly. By learning these different practical approaches to Theatre they are then encouraged to apply these to their own devised pieces - where they will more interesting and dynamic  for their audience to engage with.

Y10 3  Y10 2

Year 11 in preparation for their mock exams, for most of this term they have been focusing on theory and practice questions  - where in section A they have been studying the play DNA by Dennis Kelly and the National Theatres production of Frankenstein for section B.

In both sections of the exam students have to demonstrate not only a knowledge and understanding of both plays but how technical theatre, acting, and directing have been used to convey specific themes and intentions to a modern day audience. They have also been in their devising groups developing ideas using their selected stimulus - to start generating material for an 'original' performance which will eventually be filmed and sent off to the exam board.

MFL Week - during this week the Year 9 Drama group - rehearsed and performed some short scenes from the Film The Pianist by Ronald Harwood and the year 7's rehearsed and performed some scenes from the film Chocolat by Robert Nelson Jacobs. 

DY7  DY7 4 

Y7 MFL 2  Y7 MFL 1

Intervention - this has been extremely successful this term - on Tuesday after school the Year 10 GCSE class have been attending regularly and using the session to improve practical class performance work.

In addition to this the Year 11 GCSE class have been coming along to the studio every Monday Lunchtime - for extra support with their exam theory. We will also be offering additional time after school on Mondays and Fridays to support and rehearse their devising pieces.

Drama Clubs

Year 7 on Wednesday lunchtimes are just starting a project based on a modern adaptation of Little Red Riding Hood, exploring themes such as bullying and loyalty.

Year 8 on Thursday lunchtimes are just starting a project based on Sweeny Todd.

Year 9 on Wednesdays after school are developing their own piece of theatre based on the stimulus of a ‘Waste-ground’. The style of their piece is very abstract and styled, using the influences of Artaud, Boal and Brecht plus incorporating some Trestle Mask work.

As a department we are hoping to film these performances and share with parents towards the end of the Spring Term.

IMG 0359

Mr Mayhew and Miss Stowe in character for Year 7 Darkwood Manor 

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