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We have had a great assembly this morning- NSPCC Speak Out, Stay Safe 🟢🗣️ We are looking forward to the workshops later on this week.


Another great performance from our squads, this afternoon saw our girls take on a spirited Oakwood side. Goals from Riana (2) and Emma saw us win 3-0, topping off a great week for primary extracurricular sport!


Reception have been looking at the composition of 5 in Maths today- they used counters and 5 frames to create equations🧮


Great result for our U11s again comfortably winning 4-0. Fantastic performances from Ruhi, Will, Teddy, and Freddy helped us to a clean sheet as well as some fantastic team goals.


Our U10 footballers showed fantastic character and determination this afternoon as they came back from 0-3 down to win 6-4 against an Aboyne Lodge side, a team who we lost to earlier in the year. PoTM was Jake with 4 goals on his debut representing the school!


Year 6 have had a brilliant day and have got loads of enthusiasm to bring back to their English lessons for this term🧙🏻🪄


Year 6 learning about colour symbolism in their workshop this morning. Exciting to see the costumes of Umbridge and Voldemort. Common misconception: Voldemort’s cloak is green not black.


Year 6 have arrived safely for an exciting day at Harry Potter World 🪄🧙🏻


Reception have loved going on the new Jungle Gym this morning 🛝



* World War II Day * Our Year 6 children had a brilliant day on Monday; we hope you enjoy this video, which captures the day so well.


We are delighted to have supported the St Albans & District Food Bank for another year. We would like to thank you for your generous donations, which our Year 7 form captains helped to deliver to Verso Vineyard Church today.


Christmas Lunch was thoroughly enjoyed by everyone! Full of Christmas cheer and delicious treats. A big thank you to all of the catering staff who helped make it a huge success 🎅🏼🎄🎶


Year 5 have worked incredibly hard to create a Grinch inspired set of instructions on ‘How to Steal Christmas’ 🎄🎅🏼


Today we had a fantastic afternoon watching the Primary Panto- Beauty and the Beast 👸👑 a big thank you to our for funding this


Some members of our Year 2 and 3 choir performed at Alban Manor Nursing home today- singing a range of carols and spreading Christmas cheer 🎄🎅🏼🎶🎵


Year 6 continued their day with an opportunity to make WWII inspired carrot muffins 🥕🧁A huge thank you to Mrs Rudd for making this possible


Year 6 are beginning the final week of the term with a WWII themed day- look at some of the amazing outfits they have turned up to school in today 🧳🧁🤩


Year 2 have had a wonderful Christingle Service at St Luke’s Church this morning 🍊🕯️


A message from our wonderful PTA


We all loved watching our wonderful reception children perform their nativity- Boogie Woogie Nativity today. Using our amazing new drama studio. 🪩 🐮🐑🫏👼🏼🤴🕺🎸


Our Year 5s experienced a day in Greek times today as they took on some Olympic challenges! Spear throwing and wheelbarrow pushing were just some of the activities they took on!


Year 5 Imperial are also really enjoying their Ancient Greece day-engrossed in their laurel wreath making 🏺🍃🏛️


Year 5 St Andrews are thoroughly enjoying their Ancient Greece day, so far we have completed science experiments linked to Archimedes eureka moment and made their very own laurel wreath 🏛️🏺🍃


Our current year 6 students are showing such superb drawing skills using coloured pencils, as usual. Well done year 6!


New Build 2020

Posted on 22/01/2020

In 2016, as the school numbers increased, we conducted an audit to show whether or not the current accommodation would be sufficient to cater for larger cohorts. It became obvious that when full, the school would be unable to function, as there would not be enough classroom space to offer the full curriculum. We approached the LA and began discussions to find a way forward. The solution decided upon was to build a new block, extend certain areas and refurbishment of several other areas. 

It was decided that a modular building, consisting of 9 classrooms and a media suite would be built on the school playground with the existing playground being extended considerably, thus providing the school with more playground space for both the secondary  phase and primary phase. 

The remainder of the project proposed consisted of a new build 3 Art classroom block at the back of the school, converting 2 art classrooms to a Food room (kitchen) and a Design and Technology workshop (high tech STEM room), converting  existing MFL classrooms and office space into 3 new Science classrooms and extending the Music and 6th form space.

The first phase of the project began in December. A 42 week build programme would allow the school access to complete fixtures and fittings during the summer, ready for use in September 2020. Careful phasing of this aspect of the build programme will enable the school to continue to deliver the curriculum to all students effectively. A great deal of thought has gone into this already and communication with the construction company is on-going. A logistics plan has been drawn up showing how the construction companies will enter and exit the site safely. It also details where the site compounds will be situated and how the workmen remain separated from students. The issue of safeguarding has been of paramount importance at all times during the planning stage. All contractors on site will be DBS checked and it is company policy that on the rare occasion an outside contractor is used on site, they will be supervised at all times. Interestingly, there have already been a number of discussions outlining opportunities for students to engage in exciting learning experiences on site. 

Before Christmas, the road was put in across the school field to allow deliveries to take place and heavy machinery and vehicles to access the site. The compounds for the workmen have been installed and all the fencing has been put up in order to secure the site and adhere to health and safety regulations.

On returning after the break, they have begun the groundwork for the extension to the 6th form and music block and assessed the drainage system underneath the new art block. The plan is to then install and link up the new drainage system in advance of the new building being erected. 

The modular build will begin in the Spring time so that it is completed to be open for the start of September. 

Build1      Build2   Build3

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