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Primary Sport: what a fantastic evening for primary netball against . The Y4s won 9-1(PM- Cora S),Y5Y won 6-0 (PM- Ella S) Y5G drew 3-3 (PM- Zachary E) and Y6B missed out 0-5 (PM- Myah P) Fantastic to see so many students enjoying competitive matches


A fantastic morning back in our workshops at


Year 5 enjoying their breaks between their workshops 🏓⚽️


Year 5 have arrived safely ready for the day ahead- we will keep you updated over the next few days 🕺🎭🎶🎨


A great season rounded off with a brilliant performance today for our Year 6 A team, who now finish 2nd in the league. Some great football being played with 2 goals from Fred! They finish 2 points behind 1st, and 10 points clear of 3rd!


Year 2 Yellow Class have gone all out with their World Book Day costumes. Check out our instagram for more updates of the day sra_stalbans


Year 5 and Year 7 had the opportunity to do some shared reading as part of English week. It was lovely to see such enthusiasm about reading 📚📖


This morning we had a fantastic production from the Ollie Foundation of Peachy and Me, which celebrates the importance of friendship, connection and self-belief 🤩


Reception have loved having pancakes today 🥞🍌


Definitely a highlight of the trip- handling the animals 🐌🦗


Year 4 are now exploring animals and their skeletons 🦴


Good morning ☀️ Year 4 are up and smiling and ready for Day 2 at


Nothing better than songs and marshmallows around the campfire 🔥 🏕️


Definitely enjoying the sunshine ☀️


Year 4 have also loved exploring the forest 🌳☀️


Year 4 have had a fantastic day so far taking part in team games!


Year 4 are extremely excited to be heading to for the next two days 🐝⛺️🔥🌳


Wishing all students, teachers, and families observing Ramadan a peaceful and blessed month. May this time of reflection, generosity, and togetherness bring you joy and strength.


Our annual T&L conference is underway! We are all so excited about exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence and how we can use it to enhance our classrooms 🤖#AIInspireSRA


Over the last two days Year 6 have taken part in a workshop delivered by Mr Fothergill to celebrate LGBT History Month 🏳️‍🌈


Year 2 have been having great fun making motivational speech videos on iMovie. They have been learning about Sir David Attenborough and climate change and have been so enthusiastic. This links to their English learning and Geography topic of famous people.


Year 4 have been creating valentines/ Chinese New Year themed decorations today ❤️🧧🐍


Reception had a brilliant time at the St Albans Fire Station this afternoon 🚒🧯🧑‍🚒 It was great to meet some real life heroes similar to the ones they have been learning about this half term.


Year 4 and 5 have loved tasting crêpes for La Chandeleur in their French lessons this week! Definitely lots of happy students! 🥞🇫🇷


The Year 6s competed in the St Albans and Harpenden area School Games Indoor Athletics competition at Hertfordshire University Sports Village. In a hugely competitive field, the boys finished 5th and girls finished 6th. Great to see smiles all round nonetheless!

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Drama at Samuel Ryder Academy aims to produce creative thinkers who take a collaborative approach to producing high quality pieces of devised and scripted theatre. The curriculum encourages students to work both independently and in groups, through all key stages, learning and applying innovative techniques which mirror both traditional and contemporary work. Lessons in drama are both theoretical and practical with a focus on developing a range of drama knowledge, skills and techniques that will not only prepare students for drama in Key Stage 4 and beyond, but are also invaluable across all other subject areas. Students are taught to engage imaginatively and intellectually with drama forms and conventions through scripted and devised performances.


Drama is taught on carousel throughout the academic year to all Key Stage 2 classes, starting with one lesson per week. The drama curriculum on offer will aim to equip pupils with the knowledge and skills that will enable them to:

  • Use role-play and other drama techniques to identify with and explore characters, issues, situations, settings and events and to respond thoughtfully in role (including to the presenter in role).
  • Use role-play and other drama techniques to stimulate, scaffold and develop creative and critical thinking skills and to help pupils order their ideas, through playing roles and improvising in a range of imagined situations and settings.
  • Gain confidence in using body, gesture, movement, sound and voice, in a variety of contexts and situations, for real and imagined audiences and purposes.
  • Use drama and role-play in ways that give opportunities and imagined audiences for presentations, debates and writing purposefully in role.
  • Improvise with, enact and create short scripts.
  • Actively gain knowledge, skills and understanding associated with drama for learning and with the artistic practice of theatre.

SCHOLAR is embedded within drama lessons at Key Stage 2, where students are actively encouraged to be curious about their everyday lives, be aspirational with their creative ideas by using different types of stimuli to engage with their imaginations, to share and practice leadership skills when working in groups by directing others on stage and to constantly reflect on theirs and others practical work and performances through effective oral feedback. Within Key Stage 2, the drama department aims to build on social skills that enable students to practice oracy actively in lessons. This ensures students are actively refining their team building and confidence in practical lessons. The department aims to utilise and share a range of visual performances through technologies to engage and inspire students in the specialism.

Key Stage 2 Overview


Autumn Term

Year 4

Basic Drama principles

Introduction to performance

Collaboration & Teamwork


Spring Term

Year 5

Introduction to scripted drama

Basic principles of devised drama

Leadership & Teamwork


Summer Term

Year 6

Staging a full Musical Production alongside the Music & Dance departments

Introduction to directorial skills


Year 7

Students attend one lesson of drama each week. Students are introduced to the subject by learning key drama techniques, such as freeze frames, narration, split scene, montage, mime and many more, which will help them to understand how to structure and stage a piece of drama effectively for a specific audience. Students will also start to explore a range of topics and issues within different types of drama and begin experimenting with different styles and genres. They will also develop their knowledge and application of what theatre is and its purpose within our society. Within these practical lessons students will learn and develop different skills: how to co-operatively work in a group, how to think creatively, how to evaluate work they have seen. They are also encouraged to develop their confidence, leadership, interpersonal and performance skills, through role-play and sharing work with their peers. Students are practically assessed in groups at the end of each half term - where they will analyse and evaluate the success of theirs and others work and feed this back within class discussions.

In year 7, students build their independence through developing their group working skills. This enables students to refine their oracy skills and become familiar with the breadth of sophistication of the drama terminology. Cultural capital is a priority in the subject as students study drama styles, practitioners and genres from around the world. The craft of performance and basic principles of devising are explored through a variety of technologies; including SeeSaw and videoing a rehearsal log of performance outcomes. We expect students to build a sense and empathy to take other people’s different viewpoints into account.

KS3 Drama Year 7 SOW Overview

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Introduction to Drama


Drama Skills

Darkwood Manor


Total Body Drama

Silent Movies 



Text/Film based study


Plot & character

Fame & Celebrity


Issue based Drama

Devising from a stimulus

Staging an original Drama


Drama 1

Year 8 

In year 8, students attend one lesson of drama each week, building on the foundations that are laid in year 7. Students develop their understanding and appreciation of different performance styles and genres such as Greek theatre, character creation, storytelling, issue-based drama, Shakespeare and comedy. Students also hone their craft as actors, directors, and designers in devising their own performances from a range of stimuli, using more advanced techniques and strategies. In addition, students are introduced to working with some published play texts and the process of working with a script. Students begin to understand the purpose of drama and how it can be used effectively in different contexts, not only as a form of entertainment, but also to educate different types of audiences. Students are practically assessed in groups at the end of each half term - where they will analyse and evaluate their own performance and the performances of their peers, and feed this back within class discussions.

Within year 8, students participate in a variety of communities and social settings, including by volunteering, cooperating well with others. We study a range of cultural forms and genres in the drama field. The rehearsal process is explored through a variety of technologies; including SeeSaw and self-assessing outcomes for refinement and improvement. The department encapsulates students’ understanding of moral responsibility through the exploration of ethical issues within a character and stimuli.

KS3 Drama Year 8 SOW Overview

Autumn 1

Autumn 2

Spring 1

Spring 2

Summer 1

Summer 2

Greek Theatre

Myths & Legends


Creating character & stereotypes

Working with play texts



Issue based Drama




Drama 2

Year 9 

Course: Foundation GCSE Course

Year 9 students attend two Drama lessons per week and will be following a bespoke GCSE Drama foundation course throughout the year. Each term the students will be focusing on one of the three Components that make up the Edexcel GCSE Drama Specification. Students will get a real taster throughout the year of what taking GCSE Drama would be like and an insight into the disciplines, expectations and work content of the course. During the year students will have the opportunity to watch live professional theatre and work with a visiting practitioner in a workshop environment.

The Year 9 Drama course will cover:

  • Term 1: Component 1 Devising. To explore & develop devising skills & learn new performance strategies, through different practitioner influences. This will culminate in creating an ‘original’ piece of theatre in small groups, performing it in front of a live audience and completing a short written portfolio.
  • Term 2: Component 2 Text Performance. To study & analyse a full length published play & perform an extract in front of a live audience.
  • Term 3: Component 3 Exam Preparation. To study a full length play text and watch a live professional Theatre production. This will culminate in answering specific targeted questions taken from Component 3 past papers and sitting a modified version of the exam at the end of the year.


SCHOLAR is embedded within drama lessons at Key Stage 3, where students are actively encouraged to be socially aware about their community and the society in which they live, curious about the world around them and the decisions they make, aspirational with their depth of research and quality of ideas explored, leaders within group work, where students are actively encouraged to direct each other on stage, deliver workshops independently and to be reflective learners where students have to evaluate theirs and others’ practical performance work through both oral and written feedback.

Within Year 9, an in-depth exploration of Theatre and its production underpin the curriculum and our drive is to ensure that students have a more all rounded understanding of the impact live theatre can have on different types of audiences for both entertainment and educational purposes. Students will become confident and independent thinkers and strong communicators. They will participate in an engaging and motivational practical curriculum that supports their personal development and build on confidence in a creative performance environment.

KS3 Drama Year 9 SOW Overview





Year 9

Component 1

Devising Theatre

Component 2

Text Based Performance

Component 3

Exam Preparation


Course: Pearson Edexcel Level 1/Level 2 GCSE (9-1) in Drama (1DR0)

Students attend three lessons per week and are taught in mixed ability classes. Students study the 2016 new specification Edexcel GCSE Drama course. This course ensures students explore many different techniques that further enhance the skills gained in year 9. In Component 1, students develop their devising skills by creating original drama using the influences of different genres and practitioners, using a choice of stimuli set by the department. The set text studied for the Component 3 written exam is DNA by Dennis Kelly. This is studied practically and theoretically throughout the course, focusing on analysis from the perspective of an actor, director and a designer. During the course, students will take part in professional workshops and attend at least two professional theatre productions, one of these performances is evaluated and analysed in their final written exam. Students can specialise in design for the GCSE course, rather than choosing performance for the practical components. Design students can choose between lighting, sound, set (including props) and costume (including masks and make up). The course assessment is split into 30% practical and 70% written, with one piece of coursework and a final written exam. The course is split into 3 components: Devising, Performing from text and Theatre Makers in practice.

SCHOLAR is embedded throughout drama lessons at Key Stage 4, where students are actively encouraged to be socially aware about the community, society and world in which they live and the different cultures that exist within them. Students develop a curiosity about human behaviours, social interaction, relationships and decision making and build an awareness of the outcomes and repercussions of those decisions. Students are challenged with their higher order thinking by engaging in a range of influential theatre practitioners and playwrights. With creative ideas for devising and experimenting with different styles and genres of performance to educate different types of audiences students’ aspirations are raised. When working in a small group, students develop their reflectiveness by effectively analysing and evaluating the success of practical performance work and professional productions they have seen through both oral, and written feedback in the form of a piece of coursework and theory exam.

Within Key Stage 4, students will build on their understanding of cultural art forms in drama. They will examine and study knowledge and understanding of their set text in-depth: the themes, plot, characters, social, moral cultural connections, the playwright’s intentions and how these should be effectively communicated to an audience. Students will learn the roles and responsibilities in the rehearsal process and ensure they have leadership opportunities to explore and communicate directorial techniques to their fellow group members. Key stage four drama students are expected to build on willingness to participate in and respond positively to artistic directions. A range of digital technologies, namely SeeSaw will be used to capture and document this process and allow students to review and reflect on their drama outcomes. Students are expected to take full accountability and ownership in building their creative pieces.

Subject specific equipment requirements

Course Study Guides

Edexcel Drama GCSE Study Guide by Rhinegold Education

CGP Drama GCSE. The Revision Guide

GCSE Drama DNA. The Play Guide

Revise Edexcel GCSE (9-1). By Pearson

KS4 Drama SOW Overview





Year 10

History of Theatre & Practitioner Workshops

Devising Exam Rehearsals & Written Exam Preparation

Devising Exam Performance & Devising Coursework Preparation

Year 11

Devising Coursework Completion & Written Exam Preparation

Text Based Performance Exam Rehearsals & Performance

Written Exam Preparation


Beyond GCSE

Course: Pearson Edexcel Level 3 Advanced GCE in Drama and Theatre (9DR0)

Students follow the new Edexcel Specification (2016) which is a two-year A-Level course. This specification consists of 3 components across the two years and mirrors the GCSE course; Devising, Text in Performance and Theatre Makers in practice. Once again, the percentage weighting for this course is 30% practical and 70% written coursework and final exam.

Throughout the course, students will complete a devised performance as writers, directors and performers, perform text work for a visiting examiner and analyse play texts and watch a live theatre production as part of their final 40% written exam. Throughout the course, students have many opportunities to watch a diverse range of theatre productions, both in London and locally, and take part in workshops delivered by professional theatre companies. Both performer and designer pathways are available.

Developing Skills:

The demands of this A Level course are not only in the depth of knowledge expected by each student - through extensive investigation and research but the core skills which they will gain within the process of the work they carry out for each of the three components.

These transferable skills include: oral communication skills, creative problem-solving abilities, motivation and commitment, willingness to work cooperatively, the ability to work independently, time-budgeting skills, initiative, promptness and respect for deadlines, acceptance of rules, adaptability and flexibility, the ability to work under pressure, a healthy self-image, self-discipline, a goal-oriented approach, concentration, dedication, a willingness to accept responsibility, leadership skills and self-confidence.

To be extremely proficient at each of these skills gives students a wide range of choice when it comes to possible career paths and options.

Students develop ideas and refine the re-imagined concept. They share leadership and accountability for outcomes and become highly skilled in social confidence. A-Level students are expected to develop their cultural capital through watching and participating in live theatre performances. This develops their understanding of the craft and diverse cultural influences. Students implement a range of digital technologies: SeeSaw to document the devised process and filming and editing of performance outcomes. This enables students to understand the full aspects of theatre for analysis and evaluation purposes.

Subject specific equipment requirements

Course Study Guides

Edexcel A Level Drama Study Guide by Rhinegold Education

Edexcel Drama & Theatre Studies Active Book

Wider Curriculum

Drama Club - A lunch time club takes place during term time where students can further enhance and develop their creative skills by taking part in drama focused games, improvisational activities and either devised or scripted performances. Later in the academic year, students perform their work alongside music and dance in the Performing Art Showcase.

School Production (Secondary) - Students from all year groups are invited to take part in the annual school production which is performed during the Spring term. This is a valuable opportunity for students to work together creatively, make new friends and experience the thrill of performing to a live audience. There is a role to suit everyone whether it be as an actor, musician, singer, dancer, costume designer, sound engineer, lighting operator or front of house manager. Recent successful productions include Little Shop of Horrors, Sister Act, Shrek and Legally Blonde.

School Production (Primary) - Students in year 6 during the summer term work with the drama, music and dance departments to put on a full junior production of a book musical. Recent successful productions include The Lion King and Mary Poppins.

Each year, the drama department, alongside music and dance, engage in a variety of professional theatre productions for both enjoyment and exam syllabus. Recent productions include; The Lion King, Mary Poppins, Matilda, The Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night Time, The Life of Pi, The Play that Goes Wrong, The Woman in Black and an annual trip to the local pantomime with year 7.

In the Summer term there are House Drama competitions where students in year 7 and 8 and in years 9 and 10 compete against each other testing skills of improvisation and performance.


Following a GCSE or A-Level drama qualification, students have greater confidence in their public speaking skills and an enhanced ability to work in a team. Previous students of A-Level drama have gone on to become: actor, theatre managers, theatre designer, teachers, arts administrators, recruitment consultants, journalists, cinematographer, copy writer, drama therapist, writer, marketing manager, lecturer, sales manager, broadcasters, lawyers, barristers, customer service managers, disc jockey, speech and language therapist, youth and community worker, human resource manager.

Useful Links


DNA by Dennis Kelly

Teechers by John Godber

The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht by John Willett (Methuen 1977)

An Actor Prepares by Stanislavski (Methuen 1980)

The Frantic Assembly Book of Devising Theatre by Scott Graham, Steven Hoggett

The Theatre of Steven Berkoff, Methuen publishing

Shakespeare for Everyone by Emma Roberts & Sarah Tanat Jones

Write Your Own Scripts – Usborne

The Acting Book by John Abbott

The Young Actors Handbook by Jeremy Kruse

The Complete Brecht Toolkit by Stephen Unwin


The Crucible by Arthur Miller

Fences by August Wilson

Antigone by Sophocles (adapted by Don Taylor)

Artaud’s Theatre of Cruelty by Albert Bermel (Methuen 2001)

Games for Actors and Non-actors by Augusto Boal (Routledge 1992)

The Theatre of Bertolt Brecht by John Willett (Methuen 1977)

The Complete Brecht Toolkit by Stephen Unwin

The Empty Space by Peter Brook (Penguin 1990)

The Frantic Assembly Book of Devising Theatre by Scott Graham, Steven Hoggett

An Actor Prepares by Stanislavski (Methuen 1980)

Building a Character by Stanislavski (Methuen 1979)

The Complete Stanislavsky Toolkit by Bella Merlin

The Theatre of Steven Berkoff, Methuen publishing

The Young Actors Handbook by Jeremy Kruse

National Youth Theatre Monologues by Michael Bryher

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