Modern Foreign Languages - Spanish
Through a range of engaging educational activities which focus on developing language awareness and practising listening and speaking micro-skills, we enable our pupils to grow into confident linguists who can perform real world communicative tasks with spontaneity and fluency. By continuously revisiting vocabulary and empowering pupils with the very best techniques that support memory, we nurture confidence in their ability, creating a positive mindset in language acquisition, regardless of their linguistic background. In this way, we foster analytical thinking, which enhances academic performance in other subjects.
Throughout the key stages, we practise the four key skills of communication - speaking, listening, reading and writing - whilst also offering regular opportunities for students to discover the cultures of Spanish-speaking countries. We use digital technology both in lessons and for home-learning. Students are engaged and learn through games, group work, role play, competitions and a variety of digital applications. In year 9, Spanish students visit the vibrant city of Barcelona; while in year 10, Spanish students visit the southern part of Spain and establish pen-pals that they visit in a Spanish school. In addition to enrichment activities in class, we are expanding our school trip offerings year-on-year, as we believe that it is important for students to be fully immersed in the Spanish culture.
We are proud to have earned the Primary Languages Quality Mark Silver Level in 2020 and British Council International Schools Award Intermediate Level in 2020.
Having studied French from year 3, the continuity in terms of grammar and topics between Key Stage 2 and Key Stage 3 will help our children to feel confident when learning a modern foreign language. It also challenges them in new ways as they broaden their knowledge of vocabulary and expand their understanding of grammatical techniques.
All students start Spanish as a second language in year 8, where they build a solid foundation of grammar and vocabulary, through studying topics relevant to their daily lives: describing yourself and your family, describing your free-time activities, talking about where you live, visiting restaurants and discussing life in school as well as expressing opinions on lots of other relevant topics. We believe that cultural experiences form an essential part of language learning. As such, we offer a range of projects throughout Key Stage 3 to engage students in the Spanish-speaking world. Our SCHOLAR drivers are present in every lesson, as students are encouraged to explore how the Spanish language works, looking for patterns, lead discussions in groups and share their ideas. Oracy is embedded into every single language lesson, with students learning how to understand and produce the target language using both informal and formal registers through regular speaking and listening activities. Students explore a variety of Spanish-language films, research customs and festivals in the Spanish-speaking worlds, and even enjoy preparing and tasting typical dishes. Technology is fully integrated to enhance lessons as students use their iPads to play interactive games that support their vocabulary and grammatical development. Sketchbook is also regularly used as a tool for whole-class teacher assessment and tasks are often uploaded to Seesaw or OneNote for students to work interactively and become more independent learners, especially in year 9.
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Year 8 |
The Spanish world and greetings |
Family, pets, friends and number 1-31 |
Free-time activities |
Year 9 |
A healthy lifestyle, food and injuries |
Talking about past and future holidays |
Technology, social media, film, music and TV programmes |

At Key Stage 4, students deepen their understanding of grammatical concepts and enrich their range of structures and vocabulary through more in-depth study of familiar themes as well as the introduction of new topics such as healthy living, social issues, the environment and the use of social media. In addition to the Key Stage 4 taught curriculum, we offer a range of small-group sessions in year 11; some of which are aimed at honing exam skills, while others promote further study through A-Level taster activities. Our SCHOLAR drivers are again present in every lesson, as students are dive deeper in their understanding of how the Spanish language works in their consolidation of basic tenses and discovery of new tenses, looking for patterns, lead discussions in groups and share their ideas. Oracy continues to be embedded into every single language lesson, with students learning how to understand and produce the target language using both informal and formal registers through regular speaking and listening tasks. Our GCSE students aspire to achieve the highest grades as we work from the Higher course and use adaptive teaching methods to ensure that all learners are achieving at least their full potential.
The GCSE course revisits and extends the topics from Key Stage 3, as well as introducing new and exciting topics such as social issues, festivals and the environment. As the GCSE course includes a wider range of topics and more challenging grammar, students become more confident in conversing in the Spanish language.
The GCSE course and exam is structured into a number of key themes:
Identity and Culture:
Topic 1: Me, my family and friends
Topic 2: Technology in everyday life
Topic 3: Free-time activities
Topic 4: Customs and festivals in Spanish speaking countries
Local, national, international and global areas of interest:
Topic 1: Home, town, neighbourhood and region
Topic 2: Social issues
Topic 3: Global issues
Topic 4: Travel and tourism
Current and future study and employment:
Topic 1: My studies
Topic 2: Life at school/college
Topic 3: Education post-16
Topic 4: Jobs, career choices and ambitions
Links to GCSE Specification
Autumn Term |
Spring Term |
Summer Term |
Sept/Oct |
Nov/Dec |
Jan/Feb |
Mar/April |
Apr/May |
Jun/Jul |
Year 10 |
Family and relationships |
Technology in everyday life |
Free-time activities |
Customs and Festivals |
Home, town, neighbourhood and region |
Holidays and travel |
Year 11 |
Social Issues – charity and volunteer work |
Global issues: environment, poverty and homelessness |
Life at school and college |
Career choices and future plans |
Revision |

Beyond GCSE
Studying a Spanish to A-Level at Samuel Ryder Academy will not only support you in getting the skills to be able to converse in a foreign language, it will also broaden your horizons, your knowledge of foreign cultures and develop your critical thinking skills on a range of topics. You will study exciting topics in a supportive and a friendly environment while being intellectually challenged through the use of authentic material and discussions of current affairs. You develop your Spanish language skills alongside learning how to summarise written or spoken passages, developing your critical, analytical and presentation skills and managing an extensive workload, preparing you for your university life.
Holding a higher-level qualification in languages is an important asset in the employment market and will make you stand out in a society where not many people speak a second language.
Awarding body: AQA
Specification number: 7652
Links to A Level Specification
Wider Curriculum Opportunities and Careers
Learning a language contributes to a sense of global citizenship as well as personal fulfilment. By nurturing curiosity and identifying similarities and contrasts with their own language, we strengthen our students’ understanding in other areas of the curriculum.
Through initiatives such as MFL week, we raise the profile of languages and encourage cross-curricular learning. Recent activities include: food tasting events, arts and crafts activities, creating posters and models about La Dia de los Muertos (Day of the Dead) and learning how a second language is useful in standing out within careers in the football industry.
During MFL week, we also incorporate a variety of House events for students. Recent House events include: Modern Foreign Language Spelling Bee Competition for secondary students.
Our residential trips form an important part of the learning experience, so we are constantly expanding the range of trips to Spain that are offered to Samuel Ryder Academy students. Year 9 students enjoy the sights and culture of Barcelona whilst year 10 students travel to the south of Spain to visit the famous Alhambra palace in Grenada.
At university, Spanish can be studied on its own or as a joint/flexible honours degree with another subject, like English or French (50% each subject). You will also find many Russell Group universities are now offering combined honours degrees allowing students to study mathematics, politics, history, art and many other subjects with a language. This provides students with the opportunity to undertake a third year abroad in a Spanish-speaking country. Continuing a language at university is a skill in high demand in the employment market enhancing your career development and employability.
Useful Links
Spanish grammar and revision
Username and password supplied in lessons. Vocabulary, sentence building, exams skills and grammar exercises. Homework assignments are set here for KS3. GCSE and A-Level learners can access any of the resources to practise key skills. |
Grammar and exercises for independent learners to review tenses and other grammar points see in lesson. Topics at GCSE and A-Level. Great for all key stages. |
Interactive flashcards on any topic. Search the thousands of resources available. |
GCSE and A-Level vocabulary learning tool.Tests your retrieval skills and progress. |
Spanish grammar explanations for all key stages and exercises to practise your skills. A great place to accompany any Spanish learning journey. |
Grammar explanations and exercises for Spanish learners. |
Excellent materials for keen learners who wish to perfect their Spanish grammar. |
Excellent tenses practice with instant corrections. |
Collection of teachers approved flashcards. |
Games and Vocabulary
A course that follows your GCSE and A-Level language vocabulary learning journey. |
A useful website for learning vocabulary up to GCSE. |
Make your own speaking avatar (need to register but free). |