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Primary Sport: what a fantastic evening for primary netball against . The Y4s won 9-1(PM- Cora S),Y5Y won 6-0 (PM- Ella S) Y5G drew 3-3 (PM- Zachary E) and Y6B missed out 0-5 (PM- Myah P) Fantastic to see so many students enjoying competitive matches


A fantastic morning back in our workshops at


Year 5 enjoying their breaks between their workshops 🏓⚽️


Year 5 have arrived safely ready for the day ahead- we will keep you updated over the next few days 🕺🎭🎶🎨


A great season rounded off with a brilliant performance today for our Year 6 A team, who now finish 2nd in the league. Some great football being played with 2 goals from Fred! They finish 2 points behind 1st, and 10 points clear of 3rd!


Year 2 Yellow Class have gone all out with their World Book Day costumes. Check out our instagram for more updates of the day sra_stalbans


Year 5 and Year 7 had the opportunity to do some shared reading as part of English week. It was lovely to see such enthusiasm about reading 📚📖


This morning we had a fantastic production from the Ollie Foundation of Peachy and Me, which celebrates the importance of friendship, connection and self-belief 🤩


Reception have loved having pancakes today 🥞🍌


Definitely a highlight of the trip- handling the animals 🐌🦗


Year 4 are now exploring animals and their skeletons 🦴


Good morning ☀️ Year 4 are up and smiling and ready for Day 2 at


Nothing better than songs and marshmallows around the campfire 🔥 🏕️


Definitely enjoying the sunshine ☀️


Year 4 have also loved exploring the forest 🌳☀️


Year 4 have had a fantastic day so far taking part in team games!


Year 4 are extremely excited to be heading to for the next two days 🐝⛺️🔥🌳


Wishing all students, teachers, and families observing Ramadan a peaceful and blessed month. May this time of reflection, generosity, and togetherness bring you joy and strength.


Our annual T&L conference is underway! We are all so excited about exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence and how we can use it to enhance our classrooms 🤖#AIInspireSRA


Over the last two days Year 6 have taken part in a workshop delivered by Mr Fothergill to celebrate LGBT History Month 🏳️‍🌈


Year 2 have been having great fun making motivational speech videos on iMovie. They have been learning about Sir David Attenborough and climate change and have been so enthusiastic. This links to their English learning and Geography topic of famous people.


Year 4 have been creating valentines/ Chinese New Year themed decorations today ❤️🧧🐍


Reception had a brilliant time at the St Albans Fire Station this afternoon 🚒🧯🧑‍🚒 It was great to meet some real life heroes similar to the ones they have been learning about this half term.


Year 4 and 5 have loved tasting crêpes for La Chandeleur in their French lessons this week! Definitely lots of happy students! 🥞🇫🇷


The Year 6s competed in the St Albans and Harpenden area School Games Indoor Athletics competition at Hertfordshire University Sports Village. In a hugely competitive field, the boys finished 5th and girls finished 6th. Great to see smiles all round nonetheless!

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New Reforms – Early Years Foundation Curriculum Overview

Prime Areas

Communication and Language

(Listening, Attention and Understanding/Speaking)

Physical Development

(Gross Motor and Fine Motor Skills)

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

(Self- Regulation/Managing Self/Building Relationships)

This involves giving children the opportunity to use their spoken language to express themselves in a language rich environment, through conversations, role play, story telling and media.


This is a prime area of learning and supports the seven areas of learning.

This involves teaching children the importance of living a healthy, happy, and active life.

To develop gross motor skills, children will be given the opportunity to develop their core strength, stability, balance, and spatial awareness using a variety of small and large apparatus using the indoor and outdoor environment.

To develop fine motor skills, children will use a wide range of small tools to develop control and proficiency in drawing, cutting, colouring and letter formation.


PE is taught by our specialist PE teachers. Children are provided with opportunities to develop Fine/Gross motor skills daily throughout the setting.


This involves giving the children the opportunity to develop strong, warm, and supportive relationships with adults in the setting as well as learning how to make friendships, co-operate and resolve conflicts peacefully. The children will be supported in managing their own emotions and taught to develop a positive sense of themselves as well as learning about self-care, healthy eating and managing their own personal needs.


This is a prime area of learning and is integrated into all areas of teaching and learning across the setting.


Specific Area



(Comprehension/Word Reading/Writing)


(Number/Numerical Patterns)

Understanding of the World

(Past and Present/People, Culture and Communities/ The Natural World)

Expressive Arts and Design

(Creating with Materials/ Being Imaginative and Expressive)

This involves developing a ‘love for reading’ and encouraging children to begin to become independent writers. The children will listen to a wide range of text such as stories, poems, rhymes, and non-fiction text which will ignite their interest and develop their vocabulary, word reading skills and writing for a range of purposes.


Our topic is planned around a variety of literacy texts which provide rich vocabulary, exciting experiences and a range of reading and writing opportunities. Literacy and Phonics sessions are taught daily.

Reading and writing is integrated in ‘child-initiated learning.

This involves developing a positive attitude and interest in mathematics where children are encouraged to talk about their work and have a go as well ensuring that children have a strong grounding and deep understanding of using numbers to 10.

The children will be given the opportunity to practise and improve their counting skills, learn to subitise, and understand the value of numbers, calculate simple addition and subtraction problems, talk about the pattern of numbers, and describe shape, space, and measures.


Maths is taught daily and is integrated in ‘child-initiated learning’. It involves the use of practical apparatus to help understand mathematical concepts before learning to record in pictorial and or abstract ways.  

This involves enriching and widening children’s vocabulary by guiding children to make sense of their physical world and their community. Children will be given the opportunity to talk about personal experiences. They will listen to a broad selection of stories, non-fiction, rhymes and poems which will enable them to foster an understanding of our culturally, socially, technologically and ecologically diverse world as well as find about religions, places, nature, animals, people and our immediate and wider environment.



This involves developing children’s artistic and cultural awareness and supports their imagination and creativity. The children will be given the opportunity to use a wide range of materials and media to express themselves and talk about what they feel, see, and hear as well as engage in role play with their peers.


Music and Dance sessions are taught by our specialist teachers on a weekly basis.

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