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Primary Sport: what a fantastic evening for primary netball against . The Y4s won 9-1(PM- Cora S),Y5Y won 6-0 (PM- Ella S) Y5G drew 3-3 (PM- Zachary E) and Y6B missed out 0-5 (PM- Myah P) Fantastic to see so many students enjoying competitive matches


A fantastic morning back in our workshops at


Year 5 enjoying their breaks between their workshops 🏓⚽️


Year 5 have arrived safely ready for the day ahead- we will keep you updated over the next few days 🕺🎭🎶🎨


A great season rounded off with a brilliant performance today for our Year 6 A team, who now finish 2nd in the league. Some great football being played with 2 goals from Fred! They finish 2 points behind 1st, and 10 points clear of 3rd!


Year 2 Yellow Class have gone all out with their World Book Day costumes. Check out our instagram for more updates of the day sra_stalbans


Year 5 and Year 7 had the opportunity to do some shared reading as part of English week. It was lovely to see such enthusiasm about reading 📚📖


This morning we had a fantastic production from the Ollie Foundation of Peachy and Me, which celebrates the importance of friendship, connection and self-belief 🤩


Reception have loved having pancakes today 🥞🍌


Definitely a highlight of the trip- handling the animals 🐌🦗


Year 4 are now exploring animals and their skeletons 🦴


Good morning ☀️ Year 4 are up and smiling and ready for Day 2 at


Nothing better than songs and marshmallows around the campfire 🔥 🏕️


Definitely enjoying the sunshine ☀️


Year 4 have also loved exploring the forest 🌳☀️


Year 4 have had a fantastic day so far taking part in team games!


Year 4 are extremely excited to be heading to for the next two days 🐝⛺️🔥🌳


Wishing all students, teachers, and families observing Ramadan a peaceful and blessed month. May this time of reflection, generosity, and togetherness bring you joy and strength.


Our annual T&L conference is underway! We are all so excited about exploring the use of Artificial Intelligence and how we can use it to enhance our classrooms 🤖#AIInspireSRA


Over the last two days Year 6 have taken part in a workshop delivered by Mr Fothergill to celebrate LGBT History Month 🏳️‍🌈


Year 2 have been having great fun making motivational speech videos on iMovie. They have been learning about Sir David Attenborough and climate change and have been so enthusiastic. This links to their English learning and Geography topic of famous people.


Year 4 have been creating valentines/ Chinese New Year themed decorations today ❤️🧧🐍


Reception had a brilliant time at the St Albans Fire Station this afternoon 🚒🧯🧑‍🚒 It was great to meet some real life heroes similar to the ones they have been learning about this half term.


Year 4 and 5 have loved tasting crêpes for La Chandeleur in their French lessons this week! Definitely lots of happy students! 🥞🇫🇷


The Year 6s competed in the St Albans and Harpenden area School Games Indoor Athletics competition at Hertfordshire University Sports Village. In a hugely competitive field, the boys finished 5th and girls finished 6th. Great to see smiles all round nonetheless!

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Art at Samuel Ryder Academy aims to produce creative, imaginative and expressive young artists who appreciate and understand human expression and individuality. Our curriculum makes art accessible to all students; it enables students to communicate what they see, feel and think through the use of colour, texture, form, pattern and different materials and processes. Students explore ideas and meaning through the work of artists and designers and we foster a sense of community among our students as they enjoy creating imaginative and highly skilful artwork.


All art lessons in KS1 are delivered by the classroom teachers. Art lessons connect to the over-arching topic that they are currently studying across the Primary curriculum and we cover a broad range of materials and techniques such as pencil, charcoal, coloured pencil and soft pastel. Children carry out observational drawings, painting, cardboard construction and collage to display their learning. We discuss and make reference to a wide range of artists, discussing the cultural influences, sharing what we like about their work and our interpretations.

Children have their work displayed in either their topic books or mounted in classroom or corridor boards. The children regularly create pieces related to current events. We also celebrate the artistic achievements of our students frequently by tweeting their artwork via the class twitter accounts.

The children enjoy pavement shows within their class. They walk around the tables, appreciate each other’s pieces and share positive comments about what they liked about their peers’ artwork.

Year 1

Art 1

Art 2    Art 3

Year 2

Art 4

Art 5    Art 6    





Year 1



Art in the environment

Year 2

Great Fire of London

Chinese New Year Dragons

Georgia O’Keeffe






All art lessons in KS2 are delivered by the secondary specialist art teachers, which means that our students receive the highest quality art education from a very young age.

All art lessons connect to the over-arching topic that they are currently studying across the wider Primary-phase curriculum and we cover a broad range of materials and techniques such as pencil, fine liner, charcoal, coloured pencil and oil pastel observational drawing, watercolour and acrylic painting, printing, cardboard construction, collage and inks. We discuss, analyse and make reference to a wide range of artists and practitioners, both traditional and contemporary, and our students enjoy developing their creativity by producing a range of large- and small-scale outcomes whilst having fun and developing their artistic skills.

All student’s artwork in KS2 is displayed beautifully in their black A3 sized sketchbook, and the majority of their artwork will also spend time on display in the Primary classroom and in the corridors. We celebrate the artistic achievements of our students regularly by tweeting their artwork via the @SRA_art_ and @SRAPrimary Twitter pages.

Students regularly reflect on their own work and their peers’ work using the whole-school WWW/EBI format, and the art teacher provides formative feedback and an individualised termly assessment using the teacher assessment framework.

Art 7 At 8 Art 9 

Art 10 Art 11 Art 12





Year 3

Stone Age to Iron Age

Romans in Britain


Year 4

Anglo Saxons and Vikings

Mountains, rivers and coasts

Ancient Egyptians

Year 5

Ancient Greece

The Mayans

Grand Canyon

Year 6

World War 2

Earthquakes and Volcanoes

China and the Shang Dynasty


Key Stage 3 art is divided into a series of inter-related projects, providing students the opportunity to learn and experiment with a variety of new and exciting skills and techniques such as painting, printing, sculpture, mixed media, clay and cardboard construction etc. Students connect their work to others, using their oracy skills to analyse and discuss artists and practitioners, both traditional and contemporary, connected to the project theme. By developing their cultural awareness, students understand how different cultures use art in its varying media to represent the world around them.

Students will work independently and with others to produce unique and creative outcomes, and they will learn how to successfully work in a sketchbook to select and present their ideas and art work. Students receive individualised verbal feedback from the teacher in every lesson and their work is formally assessed twice per term, with the feedback and student response recorded digitally on OneNote.

Students in year 7 and 8 are set half-termly home learning projects on key artists such as Van Gogh, Monet, Warhol, Bridget Riley, Picasso etc and they will learn how to gather and present their research creatively in their sketchbook.

In year 9, students create a portfolio of artwork which includes a wide variety of observational drawing techniques, creative artist research, a range of material experimentation using a selection of media and a final outcome of their choice, such as a canvas, sculpture or headdress. The theme of the portfolio of work is set by the class teacher, and students enjoy building on their creativity, independence, confidence with art materials and processes and how to select and present their work professionally. Year 9 students create a digital sketchbook of artist exploration for homework using the Sketchbook app on their iPads.

We celebrate the achievements of our KS3 students regularly by displaying their art work in the art rooms, in the art/DT atrium gallery area, via the art Twitter account @SRA_art_ and our department Instagram account We run lunchtime clubs for all year groups for students to learn new skills and ideas, or to offer them the space and equipment to work on their home learning projects.

In year 7 we require students to purchase the black A4 Samuel Ryder Academy embossed art sketchbook which is included in the starter pack and also available through the school shop. This sketchbook will last for the entire duration of their KS3 art education. We provide all other materials for their KS3 lessons.

Art 10   Art 11   Art 12   Art 13   Art 14





Year 7

Exploring Drawing

Colour Theory and Abstract Art


Year 8

Natural Forms

Art from around the Globe

Man Made Art

Year 9

Food Glorious Food' project AO3 Observational Drawing portfolio sheet

Food Glorious Food' project AO1 Artist Research portfolio sheets and AO2 material exploration

Food Glorious Food' project AO2 Material Exploration, Design ideas portfolio sheet and practical final outcome



At Samuel Ryder Academy, we offer the unendorsed OCR Art, Craft and Design GCSE course. OCR GCSE Art, Craft and Design consists of two components with each being worth 60% and 40% of the final assessment. 

The theme for component 1 is set by the class teacher and for component 2 the students choose a theme set by OCR.  Within these components, pupils develop a wide range of skills such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, critical analysis and evaluation.

We use iPads in art through apps such as Seesaw and OneNote for feedback, and apps such as Sketchbook and PowerPoint for homework, artist research and digital art. This facilitates class and peer discussions where students use their oracy skills to analyse their own work and the work of artists and practitioners.

Course code: J170 OCR GCSE Art, Craft and Design

Component 1 60% (Portfolio):
Students create an impressive body of coursework demonstrating evidence of the four assessment objectives- AO1 artist research, AO2 material experimentation, AO3 recording observations (drawing and photography) and AO4 final outcome.  Students select and present their coursework on large A2 portfolio sheets and they produce a fabulous sketchbook of ideas, insights, experimentation and analysis to support their portfolio sheets. Students receive fortnightly written and verbal feedback on OneNote and have regular opportunities to group critique and self/peer assess in class.

Component 2 40% (Externally Set Task):
Students choose one of the themes set by OCR and they create an in-depth body of coursework, demonstrating evidence of the four assessment objectives- AO1 artist research, AO2 material experimentation, AO3 recording observations (drawing and photography) and AO4 final outcome. The art work for AO4 is created in a 10-hour period under examination conditions (over two days) at the end of the course. Students select and present their coursework on large A2 portfolio sheets and they produce a fabulous sketchbook of ideas, insights, experimentation and analysis to support their portfolio sheets. Students receive fortnightly written and verbal feedback on OneNote and have regular opportunities to group critique and self/peer assess in class.

Both coursework components are internally assessed and externally moderated.

In KS4 we require our students to purchase an art folder to transport their work home and back. These can be purchased through the art department at a subsidised rate. We provide all other materials for their KS4 lessons.

Art 15   Art 16   Art 17   Art 18

Art 19   Art 20   Art 21   Art 22   Art 23





Year 10

GCSE Component 1 'Portfolio'- AO3 Observational Drawing portfolio sheet

GCSE Component 1 'Portfolio' - AO1 Artist Research portfolio sheets

GCSE Component 1 'Portfolio' - AO2 Material Exploration portfolio sheet

Year 11

GCSE Component 1 'Portfolio' - AO2 Design ideas sheet and further Material Exploration and Final Outcome

GCSE Component 2 'Externally Set Task' - AO3 Observational drawing sheet and AO1 Artist Research portfolio sheets

GCSE Component 2 'Externally Set Task' - AO2 Material Exploration, Design Ideas portfolio Sheet and 10-hour examination

Beyond GCSE

At Samuel Ryder Academy, we offer the unendorsed OCR Art, Craft and Design A-Level course. A-Level Art, Craft and Design consists of two components with each being worth 60% and 40% of the final assessment. 

Students independently choose their own theme for component 1 and for component 2 the students choose from a selection of themes set by OCR.  Within these components, pupils develop a wide range of skills such as drawing, painting, printmaking, sculpture, critical analysis and evaluation.

Component 1 60% (Personal Investigation):
Students create an impressive body of coursework on a theme of their choice guided by their teacher, demonstrating evidence of the four assessment objectives- AO1 artist research, AO2 material experimentation, AO3 recording observations (drawing and photography) and AO4 final outcome. Students select and present their coursework on large A1 portfolio sheets and they will produce a fabulous sketchbook of ideas, insights, experimentation and analysis to support their portfolio sheets. Students receive weekly written and verbal feedback and they have regular opportunities to group critique and self/peer assess in class. A compulsory written element of 1000-3000 words is submitted for this component (related study) and the presentation of the written element can be entirely of their own choice.

Component 2 40% (Externally Set Task):
Students choose one of the themes set by OCR and they create an in-depth body of coursework, demonstrating evidence of the four assessment objectives- AO1 artist research, AO2 material experimentation, AO3 recording observations (drawing and photography) and AO4 final outcome. The art work for AO4 is created in a 15-hour period under examination conditions (over three days) at the end of the course. Students select and present their coursework on large A1 portfolio sheets and they produce a fabulous sketchbook of ideas, insights, experimentation and analysis to support their portfolio sheets. Students receive weekly written and verbal feedback and they have regular opportunities to group critique and self/peer assess in class.

Both coursework components are internally assessed and externally moderated.

Course code: H600 OCR ALevel Art, Craft and Design

In KS5 we require our students to purchase an art folder to transport their work home and back. These can be purchased through the art department at a subsidised rate. We provide all other materials for their KS5 lessons.

Art 24Art 25  Art 26    

Art 27

Wider Curriculum

Our art studios are always open. We run lunchtime and after school clubs such as Illustration Club, Art of Theatre, Painting Club etc for all year groups for students to learn new skills and ideas, or to offer them the space and equipment to work on their home learning or personal creative projects. We also run art trips to London galleries and Kew Gardens for students to experience professional art work first-hand.

Every year we run the fabulous SRA Christmas Card Competition where one winner from Primary and one from Secondary have their designs made into the digital SRA School Christmas Card. Students love to get involved and we open our art studios for students to use the materials for their designs.

With support from the art team with the registering and entering, students regularly get involved in national and international art competitions, recognising their exceptional artistic talents and ability. The art department have taken part in the Glastonbury Oxfam banner project for the past two years, where students created a large banner to be displayed around one of the stages at the festival, recently the focus has been on raising awareness of climate change. Many students also get involved in the local annual Maltings Art Competition.


Art can lead students on to a wide variety of careers such as 3D design, architecture, art therapy, digital media, printmaking, game design, illustration, industrial design, interior design, and visual effects for film and television, teaching, museum/gallery curator, painter, sculptor and art valuer.

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